Pregnant Nigerian woman murdered in Ghana



She was in the throes of childbirth and needed to get to the hospital fast. Gripped by an excruciat­ing pang of labour, she held her aching waist and hobbled towards the bus station, ea­ger to catch a cab to take her to hospital fast. Just then, a ‘Good Samaritan’, a neighbour named Abdul, drove out of no­where and offered to help her to the bus stop. She heaved a sigh of relief.

“Help has come at last,” Am­ina Usman, a Nigerian mother of four girls, who was about to deliver her first boy, must have intoned.

Unknown to her, she had just boarded a car driven by a Satan incarnate who took her to desti­nation death.

In his dark and clandestine search for either power or wealth or both, the brute drove the hap­less pregnant woman in labour to a bush. What happened next is the stuff…

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